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Prosomnus Oral Appliance – Eugene, OR

Comfy & Convenient Sleep Apnea Treatment

Woman waking up in bed with a smile

Here at our office, Dr. Paskalev is committed to helping patients enjoy comfy and convenient sleep apnea treatment. That is why he offers multiple types of oral sleep appliances, including the Prosomnus custom device. During your consultation, he may recommend that you use this innovative appliance to keep your airway open and finally achieve the high-quality rest you deserve. Would you like to learn more about it? Continue reading below.

What Is the Prosomnus Oral Appliance?

Oral sleep appliance in storage case

The Prosomnus oral appliance is a custom oral device that is designed to gently shift your oral structures so you can breathe easier during sleep. For example, it may slightly reposition your lower jaw. In turn, this will help your tongue and other soft tissues to rest in positions that are less likely to cause breathing disruptions.

Prosomnus oral appliances are custom-made for each patient based on impressions of your unique mouth. They are easy to clean, maintain, and store. Our team will give you detailed instructions to help you derive the greatest benefits from your sleep apnea therapy.

What Are the Benefits of Prosomnus Oral Appliances?

Well-rested man in blue t-shirt lying in bed

Prosomnus oral sleep appliances have the potential to provide an array of benefits, including:

  • A reduced risk of the numerous health conditions that are associated with obstructive sleep apnea, including heart attack and stroke.
  • Less daytime exhaustion and more energy as you go about your routine activities.
  • Less snoring — your partner will be grateful for quieter nights!
  • Improved hormone regulation, which can help with blood sugar management, food cravings, and more.
  • Easy maintenance and cleaning of your device.
  • Fewer headaches and migraines.
  • An improved ability to safely operate a vehicle and other potentially dangerous machines.

Is a Prosomnus Oral Appliance Right for You?

Doctor taking notes during consultation with patient

Dr. Paskalev wants you to use the best treatment for your unique situation. When you visit our team for a consultation, he will examine your mouth, learn about your symptoms, and ask about your personal preferences. From there, he will be able to decide which type of oral appliance to recommend. If a Prosomnus device seems like it may be a good fit, our team will take some impressions of your smile and work with the Prosomnus company to make sure you get a device that is a perfect fit for your mouth.

When you first get your Prosomnus device, you can expect to go through an adjustment period. After a reasonable period of time, you will know for sure whether it is an effective and sustainable way to achieve the high-quality rest that you deserve. Most patients are very happy with their Prosomnus appliance!