About Our Sleep Apnea Dental Office – Eugene, OR
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Your Rest
with Us

No matter how much you sleep, do you still feel exhausted? Is your partner behind on their sleep as well simply due to your loud snoring every night? Have you put your life at risk because you almost fell asleep while driving your car? If so, just know that you and over 25 million other Americans are likely experiencing the same problems caused by sleep apnea.
When you can’t get the deep, rejuvenating sleep that you need to feel focused and ready to start your day, you just might have untreated sleep apnea. This condition can lead to sleep deprivation, which not only affects your sleep quality (and quality of life), but it can also turn deadly in some circumstances.
The good news is you have an effective solution for sleep apnea and loud snoring right in your backyard. At Better Sleep Eugene, Dr. Ivan Paskalev can create custom-made oral appliances designed to treat sleep apnea directly. This way, you can take back control of your sleep apnea as well as your daily life. Not sure if you have the condition? Already have a diagnosis and struggling with a CPAP? Regardless of your situation, Dr. Paskalev and his team will do everything they can to ensure you can start waking up ready to start the day.
Sleep Loss Is More Than Inconvenient – It Can be Deadly
When you don’t get the best sleep of your life some days, it’s often not that big a deal. However, consistently missing out on important bedrest for nights and even months on end can cause severe damage to your mental and physical health. Your brain and body need to recover daily, and without enough sleep, you can start to break down in ways you didn’t know were possible.
For starters, sleep deprivation can directly affect your cognitive abilities, such as being able to concentrate or retain certain memories. You may also experience mood swings or bouts of depression. Not only can this make you feel terrible on the inside, but it can affect the relationships you’ve built in your life. When you’re constantly tired, being a good spouse, parent, or employee can become quite difficult.
Furthermore, lack of sleep can affect you physically as well. In fact, it can throw off the balance of your body’s hormones, including leptin and ghrelin, both of which let you know when you’re hungry and full. If you have sleep apnea, you might find yourself eating too much, which is why many people with sleep apnea also tend to be overweight.
Additionally, several studies have shown that drivers afflicted with sleep deprivation are up to twice as likely to get into a car accident, even compared to intoxicated drivers! Based on data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drowsy drivers are responsible for about 72,000 wrecks and 800 deaths every year.
The Benefits of Sleep Apnea Treatment
Sleep Better
Do you remember the last time you actually slept through the entire night? How about feeling great upon waking up? Sleep apnea makes both of these feelings impossible to achieve. However, with Dr. Paskalev’s sleep apnea treatments, you can start looking forward to getting deep sleep every night, rather than once in a blue moon.
More Energy
If you’re someone who wishes they had more energy, either to exercise, focus on getting that promotion you’ve always wanted, or start a project that you’ve been putting off for far too long, you’re going to want to get your sleep apnea treated. Sleep apnea drains energy from you mentally and physically, but treatment can allow you to start living your life to the fullest, no matter what challenges you intend to take on.
Improve Relationships
When you’re constantly tired, it’s very easy to become forgetful or irritable, even if you’ve never been that way before. Generally, it can make you less pleasant to be around, even if it’s not your fault. In addition, snoring caused by sleep apnea can directly affect those close to you since you make it very difficult for them to get the sleep they need as well. With sleep apnea treatment, you can stop irritability and mood swings, remain as compassionate and caring as you ever were, and strengthen relationships with those that you care about.