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How Sleep Apnea May Be Harming Your Relationships

December 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleep @ 2:40 pm
Man snoring because of sleep apnea in Eugene, wife is frustrated

Most medical conditions have repercussions that affect, not just the person who is ill, but also those around them. Sleep apnea in Eugene is no exception to the rule. It can have consequences for your relationships with your partner, your other family members, your friends, and even your coworkers. Let’s talk about some of the specific ways in which it can influence your interactions with others and how treatment can help.

Sleep Apnea and Your Relationship with Your Partner

Loud snoring is one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea. This can cause the partner who is not snoring to experience poor-quality sleep, leading to resentment and frustration. They may even decide to sleep in a different bedroom. In some cases, sleep apnea sufferers who try to stop snoring Eugene with the help of a CPAP machine find that their partner dislikes the noises made by the machine.

Another way in which sleep apnea can affect your relationship with your partner has to do with sexual intimacy. Various studies have found a strong correlation between untreated sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction in men. Women with sleep apnea may also struggle; it is common for those with untreated sleep apnea to experience lower sexual desire.

Sleep Apnea and Relationships in General

The consequences of sleep apnea for relationships go far beyond your relationship with your partner. Here are some ways in which it can affect your interactions in general:

  • Sleep apnea affects emotional well-being. Depression and anxiety are more common in people with sleep disorders. These emotional struggles move many people to become reclusive.
  • Sleep apnea leads to exhaustion. The disruptions in sleep caused by sleep apnea may make you extremely tired each day. You may be more likely to decline invitations to spend time with friends. You may also be more irritable.
  • Sleep apnea affects work performance. Your relationships with your coworkers depend, in part, on how well you perform on the job. Sleep apnea can reduce your ability to concentrate and might affect how your coworkers perceive you.

What Is the Solution?

If you suspect that you have sleep apnea, you first need to be properly diagnosed. Afterward, you will be able to explore your options for sleep apnea treatment in Eugene. CPAP therapy is the most commonly prescribed treatment, but many patients find it to be uncomfortable and noisy.

A popular CPAP alternative in Eugene is oral appliance therapy from a dentist. An oral appliance slightly shifts the jaw forward, helping you to breathe easier during sleep and enabling you to experience higher-quality rest. Many people notice a positive difference in how they feel within days of starting treatment. Symptoms like irritability, snoring, and sexual dysfunction may also be reduced or eliminated within a short period of time.

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