3 Tips for Traveling with Sleep Apnea
November 7, 2021

Many people are traveling at this time of year to visit family and friends. Do you have plans to hit the road or perhaps even go abroad for a winter vacation? While you are preparing for your trip, one of the things you should consider is how you can continue to get high-quality rest even when you are away from home. Let’s talk about three simple and practical tips for traveling with sleep apnea.
Bring Your Treatment with You
Most airlines allow passengers to bring a CPAP machine on board. However, it would still be smart to check your airline’s specific guidelines before you start packing. You might even need a letter from your doctor stating that the device is medically necessary. In addition to bringing the machine itself, you should also bring any necessary cleaning supplies, an extension cord, and perhaps a power adapter (if you are traveling to another country).
If bringing your machine along seems a little inconvenient, you might consider purchasing a CPAP alternative in Eugene. A custom oral appliance is much more convenient and portable than traditional CPAP therapy. There are a few different types of sleep appliances in Eugene; your treatment provider can help you settle on the one that will work best for you.
Pack Your Pillow
If you are staying at a chain hotel, you might have a fair idea of what kind of bedding and pillows will be available. However, if you are staying at a relative’s house or in a boutique hotel, you may have no way of predicting what your accommodations will be like. Bringing your own pillow can help you sleep in a position that facilities easier breathing and works along with your sleep apnea treatment in Eugene to help you get the rejuvenating rest you need.
Stick to a Good Schedule
It’s fun to be active while on vacation, but you should be careful not to overexert yourself. Being overly tired could worsen the symptoms of your sleep apnea in Eugene. Schedule some blocks of time when you are reading by the pool, undergoing a spa treatment, or engaging in other relaxing activities can help you recover from long days of exploring tourist attractions or cooking big meals with your family members.
Also, be wary of time changes. If you are traveling more than a few time zones away, scheduling some downtime at the beginning of your trip and after you get home can give your body’s internal clock some much-needed time to adjust.
Your sleep apnea doesn’t have to interfere with your next trip. The above tips can help you stay rested even when you are far from home.
Meet the Practice
Dr. Ivan Paskalev is an experienced dentist who specializes in helping patients conquer sleep apnea via oral appliance therapy. If you suspect you have a sleep disorder or you are ready to explore your treatment options, he would be pleased to serve you. Contact our team at 541-246-8284 to ask questions or request an appointment.
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